Modern Money SmartPod
Modern Money SmartPod
Road Trip: ICE's Chris Edmonds Talks AI and Other Data Trends in Capital Markets
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It's no surprise that an industry veteran like Chris Edmonds, president of fixed income and data services at Intercontinental Exchange, would have a few insightful (and entertaining) thoughts to share about the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence. This chat with Edmonds at the 49th annual International Futures Industry Conference features his view on where AI fits in the long history of advancements in humans' ability to compute at greater speed. Edmonds reflects on what happens when he asks people to define 'artificial intelligence' and he also sneaks in a great reference to the 1980s film "War Games" to explain how trust can go wrong when it comes to AI. How does this all relate to data trends in capital markets? Tune in and let Edmonds explain.
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